Auber - FRA DIAVOLO - Theater Erfurt
Musikalische Leitung
Chanmin Chung
Hendrik Müller
Marc Weeger
Silke Willrett
Arne Langer
Fra Diavolo
Alexander Voigt
Lord Kookburn
Juri Batukov
Lady Pamela
Katja Bildt
Leonor Amaral / AYNpmn
Julian Freibott
Jörg Rathmann
Máté Solyom-Nagy
Caleb Yoo
Ralph Neubert
Kritiken / Deutsch
“… two grandiose unleashed final scenes with thunderstorm and believable choreographed total chaos: Hendrik Müller amuses his audience with a brilliantly genre -appropriate staging of Auber's comic opera... "
[Joachim Lange -, October 8, 2018]
“… two grandiose unleashed final scenes with thunderstorm and believable choreographed total chaos: Hendrik Müller amuses his audience with a brilliantly genre -appropriate staging of Auber's comic opera... "
"... In Hendrik Müller, the theater had found a director, who obviously was enthusiastic about the work down to the smallest detail, and who was able to pass this enthusiasm without compromising on to the premiere audience [...] Marc Weeger (stage) and Silke Willrett (costumes) had designed a colorful luxury hostel world that was reminiscent of Wes Anderson's film "Grand Budapest Hotel." The directing team also consciously took Vicky Baum's classic novel "People in the Hotel" into account. The choice of the setting was wise, because where else than behind a hotel revolving door, the most different people
What sometimes seems a little intentional in Eugène Scribe's libretto seems almost logical with Müller - and he intensifies it even more absurdly: When nuns, Miss Marple, the gendarmes of St. Tropez, Ms. Antje from Holland and even Master Proper are romping around in this hotel lobby, no one is surprised - except for the audience, whose eyes and ears were surprised more than once during this sovereign installation, including stylized mountain wallpaper with neon ibex.
And Müller even uses the dramaturgical weaknesses of the work: the sometimes very long and conservative-looking undressing scene in the second act becomes a highlight of the performance. [...]
All of this is slapstick at its finest, as you don't often find it on the opera stage, and often enhances Scribe's confusing plot enormously. The play around Fra Diavolo [...] does not carry dramaturgically over an evening in every production, here it absolutely does ... "
[Stefan Mauß - Opernglas, 12/2018]
"... characters from the movie "People in the Hotel "are among the guests, in addition, a geisha, a sheikh and a lot of staff. They all frolic in the hotel lobby, bustle out of the rooms in the 1st floor, or populate the magnificent stairs. Hendrik Müller tells the story of Fra Diavolo as a turbulent, absurd racket with strong borrowings from cinema and slapstick. The dialogues, which he wrote himself, are accompanied by live bar music. But there is also a funny haven of calm: the swimming and sauna scene in the second act, in which Zerlina (stunning Leonor Amaral) is observed by the robber trio, has delicate situation comedy.
After a cautious start, the audience at the premiere cheers all involved…”
[Karin Coper - interview, October 8, 2018]
Die Not ist groß im Gasthaus zu Terracina. Nichts geht hier weiter! Mondäner Stillstand, schrille Depression, Trinken und „huis clos“... Echte Gefühle sind hier Fehlanzeige, Geld regiert das Tagesgeschäft wie das ganze Leben. Wer ist hier gefangen? Wer fängt hier wen? Wem vertraut man? Die Lage ist diffus - aber erotisch. Die bürgerlichen Tugenden sind verkauft. In dieser tristen Lage erscheint ein falscher Marquis als Katalysator. Ein Teufel, der stets nur das Geld und die Verwirrung der Bürger will und doch nur Vergnügen schafft. Ein teuflischer Entertainer mischt die Welt auf und bringt sie zum Tanzen.
Eine frühe, französische Operette "avant la lettre" im Geiste Rossinis.
The need is huge at the Terracina Inn. Nothing goes on here! Chic standstill, shrill depression, drinking and <huis clos>. No real feelings, money rules daily business like the whole life. Who is trapped here? Who is catching whom here? Whom to trust? The situation is diffuse - but erotic. The bourgeois virtues are sold. In this dreary situation, a false marquis appears as a catalyser. A devil, who only wants money and the confusion of the citizens and yet only creates pleasure. A diabolical entertainer stirs up the world and makes it dance.
An early French operetta <avant la lettre> in the spirit of Giacomo Rossini.